By Nevanji Nehoreka
HARARE – The Zimbabwe Revenue Authority (ZIMRA) has announced new regulations regarding the payment of duty on fuel in transit, effective from August 10, 2024. The new regulations, outlined in Public Notice 60 of 2024, aim to mitigate against transit fraud.
According to ZIMRA, all fuel, petrol, diesel, paraffin, and jet A1 imported through ports of entry by road will now be required to pay duty and levies upon entry. However, these duties and levies will be refunded at the port of exit upon compliance with all transit procedures, including submission of proof that the fuel has been exported.
Consignees and their representatives are required to approach ZIMRA at the port of entry to initiate the fuel clearance and payment process. Once the fuel has been exported, they should approach ZIMRA at the port of exit to initiate the refund process.
The new regulations are a result of the 2024 Mid-term budget pronouncement by the Minister of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion. ZIMRA emphasizes its commitment to serving its valued clients and the public while ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations.
Commenting on the issue on microblogger X( formerly Twitter), lawyer Advocate Tinomudaishe Chinyoka said, “Contrary to the replies hereunder, this is actually a sound policy decision that eliminates smuggling and ensures fair competition in the fuel sector.”
He continued, “Of course, the honest transporter suffers due to the actions of smugglers but doing nothing was never a good idea. As long as the refunds are at 100% and processed expeditiously it will be fine: better even than the South African VAT refund process which is largely fictional or very lateĀ for most, particularly air passengers and freight.”
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