Pens for hire: The ulcer in journalism

by | Aug 12, 2021 | Opinions | 0 comments

Mazwi Jangare

Who watches of the watchdog when it starts showing signs of rabid behaviour?

It is time the media fraternity introspects, calling each other to order because we are judged collectively.

One bad apple spoils the pack, especially if they are of a journalistic disposition.

If members of the media are taking shots at nominees of the new Civilians Commendation Awards so early in the game, then their keyboards are due for repairs soon as more nominees will be receiving awards all through the year.

I can already see it, frenzied ,huffing and puffing while typing away with froth at the end of their mouths.

At this rate it is likely to become a hypertension regime every February 21 ,June 19 and any international justice-related day of each year.

The occasions being civilians like themselves getting honoured by commendation awards for outstanding service delivery and human capital development under the Robert Gabriel Mugabe Commendation Award and for outstanding, consistent transformative service in promotion of national development, national unity and national building under the Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo Commendation Award and outstanding and excellent services to the community in the field of justice under the Herbert Chitepo Commendation Award, respectively.


We need to ask ourselves tough questions.

Like what good comes from misinforming the public on a very positive national phenomenon that every journalist could benefit from. How much are they paying you to say these things?

Surely scribes of a decent training background will appreciate the civilian commendation award nomination is a chance for them to get recognition.

They are used to getting angry on behalf of their politicians, they forget to use any other lens to interpret issues.

The Department of Presidential Communications had to deviate from their usual busy schedules to school trained journalists on the basics of common sense.

This was after the Trevor Ncube paper had written a vapid piece meant to scandalize the first family.

The First Lady Amai Auxilia Mnangagwa was awarded the Order of the Star of Zimbabwe gold medal for her philanthropic work together with ZAOGA founder Ezekiel Guti and Sports Minister Kirsty Coventry.

Of the three recipients NewsDay decided to question the legitimacy of the nomination of the First Lady for that award. On to of that, in the article, NewsDay tallied the work by the First Lady against so called “deserving philanthropists” who’s names the NewsDay withheld.

The assumption that His Excllency Pesident Emmerson Mnangagwa personally nominated his wife for the award is not only nonsensical but ignorant of the existence of a full Committee on Honours and Awards sanctioned by an Act of Government and chaired by the Vice President Honourable Dr Constantino Chiwenga.



The sad truth is that the political undertones have polarized the fourth estate’s approach towards news reporting and the media has become a place for protestation with uncouth under the belt jabs of this nature.

Decency is at an all times low among scribes, with some gloating on just how well they can lead the nation further from the truth and destroy reputations with a single publication.

Yes, opinions are supposed to be freely expressed, however, that article belongs with the rodents in the garbage dumps.

One cant help but pity the readers.