NSSA and ZIPAM get new boards

by | May 24, 2021 | Local News, Politics | 0 comments

Brian Rungano Temba

Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare, Hon Professor Paul Mavhima has appointed new members to National Social Security Authority (NSSA) Board and Zimbabwe Institute of Public Administration and Management (ZIPAM) Board.

Town planner Dr Percy Toriro is now the new NSSA board chairperson.
He will be joined by Mrs Wadzanayi Bertha Phiri, Mr Timothy Nherudzo (Employers Confederation of Zimbabwe), Mrs Grace Mathe ( Zimbabwe Congress of Trade Unions), Mr Tarusenga Chitemerere (Zimbabwe Federation of Trade Unions), Mr Shepherd Mundondo from (Zimbabwe Confederation of Public Sector Trade Unions) and Commissioner George Anthony Chigora from Public Service Commission.
Mr Clifford Matorera was appointed an ex-officio member and Chief Director in the Ministry of Public Service Labour and Social Welfare while Mr Authur Manase also comes in on the board as an ex-officio member and General Manager of NSSA.

These nine Board members were appointed according to section 6 of the National Social Security Authority Act [Chapter 17:04].
Professor Mavhima on May 6, 2021 promised to appoint representative for pensioneers in the board as an ex-officio member.
This member would keep the pensioneers informed of current affairs and decisions by the authority.

Hon Prof Mavhima dissolved the previous board last year as part of a reformative measure for the national pension insurer.
An interim board of three members oversaw administration till today’s substantive members were appointed.

In ZIPAM Hon Prof Mavhima appointed the following new members;
Mr Noah Mutimba as Chairperson , Mrs Fortunate Sekero, Dr Tsitsi Rosemarry Choruma, Mr Langton Ngorima, Mrs Constance Chingwamba, Mrs Anna Manyanga, Prof Charlse Nherera and Dr Edgar Makande an ex-officio member.

The ZIPAM board was appointed in accordance to section 4 of the Zimbabwe Institute of Public Administration and Management Act [Chapter 25:17].

ZIPAM is a management development centre that operates as parastatal. The Institute was established in 1984 as a premier institution responsible for designing and implementing training, consultancy and research for the civil service, local authorities and parastatals.
The two boards have been have been appointed with effect May 24, 2021.