Invictus Energy geo-survey complete

by | Nov 5, 2021 | Business | 0 comments

Nevanji Munyaradzi Chiondegwa

As an investment analyst, if you were to ask me for the safest place to put your money and where it will see growth right now, I would say put it in Invictus Energy Limited and sit back.
If one has shares in the company, now is the time to increase the number.

Invictus Energy recently completed the Cabora Bassa Seismic Survey with nearly 840km of 2-D high resolution data acquired and that without incident.
There has been 142000 hours without any Lost Time Injury recordable incident in a testament to both Polaris, the geo-survey partner and Invictus teams.

But while all this maybe good news, it is not the real icing on the cake.

The real story is as said by Invictus Managing Director Scott Macmillan here,
“The quality of the high resolution seismic data we have acquired is excellent and providing great insights into the petroleum potential of the basin…..”

Macmillan went further on to say,
“The seismic data processing is ongoing, once completed will enable us to identify and mature additional prospects and leads. The better imaging over the giant Muzarabani structure is very encouraging and once the interpretation of the full data set is completed, we expect to refine the location for the basin opening Muzarabani-1 Well which is scheduled to be drilled in the first half of 2022.”

For those who understand business language, this is very clear and by far the loudest announcement by the company that it is time to invest. For the untutored in the language, Mr Macmillan just said;

Good times are indeed on the horizon for the Zimbabwean energy industry and the economy as a whole.