Denford Shonhayi Installed as Substantive Chief Nenguwo

by | Oct 12, 2023 | Business, Crime & Courts, Local News, Politics | 0 comments

Denford Shonhayi Installed as Substantive Chief Nenguwo


By Yvonne Mutambwa


The Minister of State for Provincial Affairs and Devolution, Hon Apolonia Munzverengwi yesterday coronated Denford Shonhayi of the Shumba Nyamuziwa totem as substantive Chief Nenguwo.


The coronation event was held at Chakadini Secondary Shool near Mahusekwa. Thousands of people drawn from the community attended the event.


Among the attendees were also the Traditional leaders from the province led by the Chairperson Chief Nehombo as well as Vice-Chair-National Chiefs Council, Chief Charumbira and government officials.


The Nenguwo Chieftainship started in the 17th Century in Mutoko. Mukwatanyama started it and however moved from Mutoko to Svosve.


Denford Shonhai was officially conferred Chief Nenguwo by President Emmerson Mnangagwa on the 8th of August 2023.


Born on the 26th of April 1976, Denford attended Chakadini and Mupfuure Primary Schools and later on enrolled at Tsunga Secondary School.


In 1997 , he worked briefly in Harare and later trained as a mechanic. Denford is married to Nyaradzo Tiringe and they have four children.


Meanwhile, Marondera District has 6 chiefs; Chief Svosve, Nenguwo, Nyandoro, Samuriwo, Chihota and Mudzimurema.


Speaking at the event, Minister Munzverengwi encouraged the newly installed Chief to foster development projects by the government in his area in areas such as agricultural ,infrastructure and culture.