City of Masvingo bans Consumption of Kambucha during working hours

by | Sep 26, 2023 | Business, Crime & Courts, Health, Local News | 0 comments

City of Masvingo bans Consumption of Kambucha during working hours


Brian Rungano Temba


Masvingo Town Clerk has issued a ban on council employees drinking Kambucha during work hours classifying it as alcohol consumption on duty.


Engineer Edward Makarati said this in a statement released to all departments of the City Council.


“It has come to our attention that some Council employees come to work while intoxicated due to comsumption of alcohol and other intoxicating substances.


It has also been noted that some employees have been see consuming Kambucha drink during work hours under the guise that it is medicinal. However we are reliably and authoritatively advised by the Council’s Medical Director that the drink contains alcohol.


In light of this, it is advised that the consumption of this drink during working hours be banned with immediate effect.


Furthermore, employees are discouraged at all to costs to report for work while drunk, for such behaviour constitutes misconduct under City of Masvingo Code of Conduct,” read the statement.


Kambucha has been widely consumed for its medicinal and afrodisiac properties across the nation as commercialised variant of the traditionally brewed guchu.


The drink has been widely drank by members of the Apostolic sect and marketed by local dancehall chanter Seh Calaz.