‘Alternative energy use growing in Zimbabwe’

by | Aug 11, 2022 | Local News | 0 comments

‘Alternative energy use growing in Zimbabwe’

Brian Rungano Temba

The number of Zimbabweans on alternative energy will soon match that of those on the power grid, recent findings by the Zimbabwe National Statistics Agency have said.
In their report on Housing Characteristics and Living Conditions, ZIMSTAT said 58.6 percent of Zimbabweans own their houses.

The statistics were shared by Information, Publicity and Broadcasting Services Minister Monica Mutsvangwa at yesterday`s post-cabinet briefing.

“Cabinet advises that the study was undertaken to inform policy interventions by Government. Results of the Housing census reveal that 58.6 percent of the people own the houses they live in; 19.3 percent are lodgers, those with no formal agreements; 3.1 percent are tenants, those with formal contracts; 9.1 percent, stay with a relative; 9.3 percent live in tied accommodation, that is, those staying in institutional accommodation and 0.5 percent constitute other types of ownership,” said Minister Mutsvangwa.

“The type of dwelling units nationally are as follows: modern houses, 83.0 percent; traditional (pole and dagga), 15.5 percent ; shack, 1.1 percent; mobile (vans and caravans), 0.1 percent; other 0.3 percent,” she added.
Minister Mutsvangwa said there has been encouraging uptake on clean energy in households across Zimbabwe.

“Under energy provision, Cabinet reports that 33.7 percent of the households are using grid electricity, while 28.3 percent are using off-grid electricity such as solar, wind and bio-gas.
Ninety-one percent of the households are using clean fuels such as electricity, solar and flash lights for lighting, 8 percent are using polluting fuels, such as fire wood, candles, paraffin and oil lamps,” said Minister Mutsvangwa.
Figures from the census will assist Government in drawing feasible policies which are informed by data.

Minister Mutsvangwa said the ongoing energy projects will help improve access to electrical energy across the country.

This include public projects like the Hwange 7 and 8 installation, as well as a number of Public Private Partnerships which has seen companies like Solgas, Matshela Energy and Harava feeding clean electricity into the national energy grid.