National Youth Service: A step closer to a shared youth vision

by | Apr 21, 2021 | Local News, Politics | 0 comments

Alex Samanyanga

On April 13 2021, the Zimbabwean Government announced the reintroduction of the National Youths Service Training Programme.

The programme, which is returning after a few years of absence, will oversee the nurturing of young people into becoming responsible and resilient citzens with a clear sense of national identity as well as national values.

The NYS programme was introduced by the Government in 2001 by the then Minister of Gender, Youth and Empowerment, the late Cde Border Gezi.
The programme was later suspended in 2018 due to financial constraints.

Speaking at a press Cabinet Briefing Minister of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services, Honourable Monica Mutsvangwa said the programme has a progressive national utility.

“The programme is designed to equip youths, who comprise persons between the ages of 18 and 35 years with patriotism, discipline, volunteerism, survival skills, hard work, loyalty, tolerance, resilience, determination and honesty. During training, the youths will be encouraged to participate in development projects and disaster response activities and thereby assist in enhancing national capacity to manage disasters,” Minister Mutsvangwa said.

NYS graduates used to be given first preference in getting employment in all Government departments.
The purpose of the programme, which is open to all willing participants, is to inculcate in Zimbabwe youths the spirit of selfless service to the community.

Over the past few years, Zimbabwe has witnessed a thawing of patriotic sentiment among its young through foreign elements who have been dishing out dirty money.

A medical doctor Peter Magombeyi is one of example who claimed to have been abducted and tortured by the state, thereby creating a false impression of the country to the world.

Magombeyi later got a foreign scholarship.
This incident, opened floodgates as more opposition youths are joining attempts to discredit the Government.

Joanna Mamombe, Takudzwa Ngadziore and the recently incarcerated Makomborero Haruzivishe are notable youths being funded by those hostile to the national vision.

LEAD Opposition leader Linda Masarira said the first step towards fixing Zimbabwe is to have national pride, working towards tolerance of diverse views and uniting for a purpose .

“If we can empower the youth, they will build themselves up and have confidence to be innovative and grow our economy,” she said.

Many countries around the world are have national youth programmes.
Some are even compulsory.
Nigeria has its version which was launched in 1973 and was implemented to promote the ideals of national unity, as well as a sense of common destiny among Nigerians.

Mexico also have its model which was established by law in 1944 which requires all universities students to participate in the University Service social programme in the last third of their academic programmes, as part of their tertiary Curriculum.